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Holiday Enquiry
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Quote request
Complete this form if you are unsure when and where you want to go on holiday. One of our experts will do some homework for you and get back with some quotes.
Contact Preferences?
Know Your Specifics?
Number of adults
Number of Children
0 - 17 years old
Child Ages
Child {{index}}
{{formatBudgetPrice(quoteRequest.minBudget, menu.quoteRequest.currency)}}
{{formatBudgetPrice(quoteRequest.maxBudget, menu.quoteRequest.currency)}}
These extras are not compulsory and can be added at any time before your departure date
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Carbon Footprint Calculator
Your Carbon Footprint
{{calculationResult.emissions.toFixed(2)}} KG
per passenger
Alternative self-drive trip with a small petrol car with one passenger would result to {{calculationResult.selfDriveEmissions.toFixed(2)}} KG
The same vehicle with {{calculationResult.examplePassengers}} passengers would result to {{calculationResult.exampleSelfDriveEmissions.toFixed(2)}} KG of emissions per passenger
Hybrid and Electric vehicles can further reduce the impact
LeShuttle transfer produces less emissions than a ferry journey
Flying would result to {{calculationResult.flightEmissions.toFixed(2)}} KG of emissions per passenger
Equivalent to
loads of washing
*washed at 30°C, dried on the line
* Calculated based on flights from the selected departure airport to Geneva airport + transfers by bus to the selected resort - Return
* Calculated based on driving distance to selected resort via Dover/Calais; and divided by the number of passengers per vehicle. The overall distance is doubled to account for return travel.