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Carbon Footprint Calculator

Your Carbon Footprint
{{calculationResult.emissions.toFixed(2)}} KG
per passenger
Adults logo (blank)
Alternative self-drive trip with a small petrol car with one passenger would result to {{calculationResult.selfDriveEmissions.toFixed(2)}} KG
Family-friendly icon (blank)
The same vehicle with {{calculationResult.examplePassengers}} passengers would result to {{calculationResult.exampleSelfDriveEmissions.toFixed(2)}} KG of emissions per passenger
Front-facing car icon
Hybrid and Electric vehicles can further reduce the impact
Background information icon (blank)
LeShuttle transfer produces less emissions than a ferry journey
Airplane icon
Flying would result to {{calculationResult.flightEmissions.toFixed(2)}} KG of emissions per passenger
Equivalent to
loads of washing
*washed at 30°C, dried on the line
* Calculated based on flights from the selected departure airport to Geneva airport + transfers by bus to the selected resort - Return * Calculated based on driving distance to selected resort via Dover/Calais; and divided by the number of passengers per vehicle. The overall distance is doubled to account for return travel.